Holy… lately I’ve been getting these spam emails from weird electronic labels trying to get me to check out their music, and this one takes the cake. I could make fun of this but it’s like taking candy from a retarded baby with no arms. Seriously, check this out. Then listen to it (“FUCKING RAINBOW” is a rad name for a song btw; “X-BOX” not so much).
ps: i totally used to listen to this stuff in high school, i shit you not. i still have a bag full of frequency 8 mixtapes gathering dust under my bed, which i’ve been contemplating reviewing for this blog. how geek is that? (the whole sentence, the blog part especially)

beyond the mind's eye / x-tra gatuitous drug reference / holy shit i'm peaking so fucking HARD I'M EXPLODINGGGGGGGGGGWOOOOOOSH!!! - ed
The dance floor will not shut up! [also the subject line]
A 3rd album for the X-Wave project, this time Collaboration between Dj Miko, Melicia and young new Dj’s like Roi Sela and Sandman.
The full-on style plays in each one of the tracks, in a very nice clearly way.
This album represents the combination between the old and the new.
The old sound of Goa along with the new metal sound of today. [!!!!!!!]
Miko “adopted” the new generation and showed them the true meaning of trance music – the feelings, the emotions, and the togetherness – the heart of the music.
Miko himself had always created music for the soul instead of the body. His music is very loving and emotional; it caresses your ear softly, allows you to be grown into it and sweeps you inside.
The album itself is very powerful and energetic. The tracks, one by one, tells us a story that flow into each other as if they were one long track with ups and downs, sometimes hard and heavy and other times soft and clear.
But always happy ending (Just like Miko’s crowd after his sets).
Miko, that was one of the Trance genre creators, is making the old Goa style music that is rarely made these days and most of the new generation only heard about.
It full feels you and yet makes you wait for more.