TRMW Archives

* FYI, this stuff is old. The current TRMW is here.

March 12, 2005


Last night my first band ever had our first show ever. We’re called Clap Amp and I’m not sure what we sound like. I told my mom I play “weird noises” on the synthesizer, so she can call it “dancey weird noises music” (also, she doesn’t think I can actually play keyboards and suggested I switch to tambourine ; emasculating). People who saw us tell me we sound like “Nice Nice but dancier” or “um, experimental but fun” or my personal favorite “halfway between something I wouldn’t like and something I would like, and I liked it”. These were all my friends, so of course they’re going to be complimentary, but it was still cool to see their reactions, especially since they were the first I’ve ever heard from anyone, ever. Steve thinks we rule, and that’s huge (unlike Steve who is really quite slight).

I myself had a fucking awesome time and freeked the fuck out. My girlfriend says I was making faces she’s never seen me make before. I caught flack for wearing shorts and flip-flops and dancing around like a hippy, but fuck that noise. It felt so amazingly good to bang my fists down on the keyboard and yell in time with each hammer drop while Ryan worked out the 1-2 slam beat and Pat got nutz with the feedback pedal. I predict many more house shows this summer. Stoked!!!!!!!!!

  • thugwithyoyo

    Hey TRMW,

    Sorry about the flack I may have spewed forth re: your attire that night. I’m pleased to read your synopsis of the event. I recorded mine on my most recent blog posting. May we have many more enjoyable performances.

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