TRMW Archives

* FYI, this stuff is old. The current TRMW is here.

August 27, 2002

Well, it certainly has been a while since I updated this now hasn’t it! In that time I moved back to northern California where I lived with my family for a little while. I caught lots of rays round there and generally had a good time. Then I got bored, and now I am back in Portland, Oregon where I will be completing my final year of college! I am seeing all my old friends and loving this city like I always do.

As for my music, it will probably be pretty dormant for a while now as I get busy with school. I am also way tired of clicking every little note into the computer every time I write a song. I want to move towards a more organic songwriting process using traditional instruments, then layering electronics on top. This will take some time, but I think it is an important step. I will be taking piano lessons all year, so that should help.

That said, I have a couple new tunes up that you can check out. Hope you like them, email me if you do! Or don’t…. I guess.

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April 26, 2002

Rejoice! I have finally gotten the chance to make mp3s of some the tracks I have been working on lately, thanks to good old Dan..(iel) of ex-Metem fame. For you enjoyment (I’m so nice), I have uploaded the newest of the batch, called “Dusty“. This is sort of a departure for me, but that seems to be expected at this point. Here I am operating in downtempo breaks sort of way, with watery little synths, stand-up bass, and seventh chords. In the background you hear a very lo-fi recording of me and friend riding the train form Canterbury to London. Originally this track was going to be called “Aquatic Railway Jazz”, but I ditched it because it was too wordy. Anyway, you get the idea. Tell me what ya’ll think.

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February 3, 2002

Still having a great time in London. Today was probably my first day that was just about normal. I just did some wash and hung out, feeding myself when necesary. Had some great fajitas thanks to two cool guys named Ryan (yeah, both of them), and worked on my nearly completed remixes of the Zelda theme. Sadly, I am not sure when you, the public, will get a chance to hear those, since I have no internet access at home, and no CD burner. And you’ll have to excuse me if this page gets updated a little less, as my life is just way too cool to type into this screen everyday. Doesn’t that sound snotty. Well, it is. Nah! Ehehehehe.

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January 18, 2002

Uploaded a new track for you all to listen to! Well, sort of new. It is an alternate version of SlowBeam, that I did a while ago. It began it’s life as the ending of the original version of SlowBeam, but then it just got too elaborate and became an entity unto itself. It’s very spacey and gushy and fluid. Sort of like goo. In fact it is so much like goo that I am calling SlowBeam (Goo Mix). Enjoy.

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January 6, 2002

What’s up with me in the New Year? Well, currently I am working real hard at getting my ass out of bed before noon. I have taken to setting an alarm for the butt-crack-of-dawn hour of 10:00 AM.

On the rare occasion that I actually am awake you can often find me working on this remix of the Zelda theme song that I am currently undertaking. I got a massive jolt of inspiration when I found this really sweet sample of an old TV ad from the 80′s, when Zelda for NES first came out. It’s got these kids saying stuff like “intense” and “awesome”, then busting out into superfly freestyle rhymes. Case in point: “It’s the Legend of Zelda and it’s really rad / Those creatures from Gaanon are pretty bad”. Siiiiick bra. Don’t worry, music fans, you’ll get to hear the remix soon. Until then, you can just listen to SlowBeam over and over and over again. And when your done with that, just kick back, and sip on a little mocha. Hey. You wanted to click on that link. Get on now, go.

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December 28, 2001

New track up! It is sort of a remix of Beaming, but it has been slowed down and switched into bummer mode. Hence the name “SlowBeam“. I got the idea when I was just screwing around, and pitchshifted the drum track from Beaming way down. It had this raw, gritty feeling to it, and I kind of just went from there. I’d say it ended up being different enough to be it’s own song really. Any comments are very appreciated.

And for those of you who are wondering how my Christmas went… (drumroll) it was very nice. Quiet now, that sounds like 2002 speeding towards us, and I think it wants some beer.

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December 12, 2001

I have finally gotten around to putting up a song I made a couple of weeks ago called “Sluggo“. It’s a veritable cornucopia, bubbling over with schizophrenic breakbeats and naughty little synths. I think my inner funk is really beginning to assert itself with this one. Email me if you agree (or if you don’t). Shout outs go to Ice-T and his posse for the tender guest vocals. Don’t forget to feed the sharks on your way out.

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November 15, 2001

Ahhhhhhhhh. There we go. Yes, I have totally redone my site. I wanted to make it feel more personal and human. So you will see more artifacts of me on here like handwriting, photos, and doodles. Everything you see on here is me and vice versa. Hope you enjoy… me!

In addition to all the other updates, I have uploaded a song, called “Beaming“, that I finished this summer. It’s my attempt at a house track and it came out real nice. Kind of a tribal vibe going on. My friends call this one things like “happy driving song” and “teletubbies song”. When my mom first heard it she said it sounded like tropical island music. So I guess you know what you are getting into! Have fun, and shake that ass (but don’t sprain a cheek)!

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Blast from the present!