TRMW Archives

* FYI, this stuff is old. The current TRMW is here.

January 6, 2002

What’s up with me in the New Year? Well, currently I am working real hard at getting my ass out of bed before noon. I have taken to setting an alarm for the butt-crack-of-dawn hour of 10:00 AM.

On the rare occasion that I actually am awake you can often find me working on this remix of the Zelda theme song that I am currently undertaking. I got a massive jolt of inspiration when I found this really sweet sample of an old TV ad from the 80′s, when Zelda for NES first came out. It’s got these kids saying stuff like “intense” and “awesome”, then busting out into superfly freestyle rhymes. Case in point: “It’s the Legend of Zelda and it’s really rad / Those creatures from Gaanon are pretty bad”. Siiiiick bra. Don’t worry, music fans, you’ll get to hear the remix soon. Until then, you can just listen to SlowBeam over and over and over again. And when your done with that, just kick back, and sip on a little mocha. Hey. You wanted to click on that link. Get on now, go.

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