TRMW Archives

* FYI, this stuff is old. The current TRMW is here.

August 5, 2005


Holy crap. After working on this thing for the better part of a year, the second annual PDX POP NOW! (exclamation mandatory) festival will be starting in a little over one hour. I am stoked. STOKED!!!!! It was a shit-ton of work coordinating the booking schedule with 49 bands – all graciously donating their time – but oh so worth it: we have a great and weird mix of bands (hillstomp + fogatron + strength = free yr minds!!), it’s free and all ages (one of our raddest volunteers is 18!), and people are getting stoked on their community. Hopefully that love spreads out and circulates through the general music-going population in Portland or maybe-just-maybe increases those ranks a little bit. No matter what, it’s gonna be one fun-ass weekend. I’ll be there for the whole damn thing – meet me at the soda bar!

FAMOUSNESS UPDATE: I was on the Village Voice website yesterday. What?!?

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