TRMW Archives

* FYI, this stuff is old. The current TRMW is here.

April 4, 2005

UrHo, meet TRMW

Hello UrbanHonking, my name is Matt Wright (the real one). I’m a 23 year old dude living in Portland, OR, totally obessed with music, going to lots of shows, putting on shows, DJ, plays in a band, you know the type. For work I do freelance music publicity. You may know me from my role on the sitcom Different Strokes or from my work with Holocene and Berbati’s Pan, or with the bands Blitzen Trapper and Adelaide (HOLLA!), and soon the Snuggle-Ups and (hopefully) Portland General Electro. I look like this.

I just moved over here from Metempsychosis, the semi-dormant mp3 label I help run, which is where this blog first took shape. It started out as a simple news feed on my artist page on that site. As such, it mostly served to alert my imaginary readers to new tracks I had posted. If you dig back through the archives, all of which made it here mostly intact, you’ll notice that the entries get shorter, and I get considerably younger.

The title of this blog is my attempt at establishing my realness within the virtual sphere. Used to be whenever I searched for “Matt Wright” (very rarely) I’d end up with this guy and some baseball players and ABSOLUTELY NO ME. This blog changed that; I am now Google’s tenth highest search result. That mission accomplished, I now face the larger challenge of asserting my identity off-line. Wish me luck.

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