TRMW Archives

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June 10, 2005

Spittin’ Out Pet Sounds (mp3)

Finally listened to Hippocamp Ruins Pet Sounds. My friend Ben from Metempsychosis asked me to participate in this crazy Beach Boys remix project a while ago, but I was too lazy to take part. It ended up rocketing through the blogosphere, landing on Pitchfork, getting way more attention than anyone ever thought it would.

The music itself is mixed; some of the remixes are really cool, some are pretty boring, and some suffer from the IDM producer’s signature problem of focussing too much on production tweaks while clearly being tone deaf.

The version of “Don’t Talk (Put Your Head on Shoulder)” in particular, comes this close to something brilliant, layering Wilson’s pastoral haziness over chopped up ravey arpeggios, but fails by being completely out of tune/sync with those gorgeous vocals. That would be fine if this were the intended effect, but everything else is so perfect… I kinda doubt it.

jerohme spye - don't talk (talk wake walk take)

The standout for me is this totally absurd piece of musical stoopid-geniusness.

kidgloves and autistici - pet sounds (zoophilia)

…and that really just speaks for itself.

  • willow

    As a fellow collector or other people’s mail/photos, I commend you for a Darn Good Find!

  • matt

    Thanks Willow! I think you got the wrong post tho!

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