TRMW Archives

* FYI, this stuff is old. The current TRMW is here.

June 9, 2005

Phone Bank Hell vs. Music (Good and Bad)

I finally convinced my wonderful and talented friend Jenny Tatone to start a blog. Named after a Sonic Youth song I don’t know (there are many), Jenny’s blog is about Jenny’s life, which entails working in the horribly pomo “virtual receptionist” field, listening hard and writing well about music, and seeing Marshall Tucker Band with her parents. Of all the music-related blogs out there, I’d say hers is one of the warmest and most human. Music and music writing do not take place in a cardboard box. Jenny’s wielding an exacto knife.

  • Donnie

    word up.
    few people in the non-cubicle world know that the seasons incube are actually reversed-gargantuan air conditioners that can never be properly calibrated keep the summer office environment at a crisp 55-60 degress all summer…then in winter you slowly lose layers of clothing as the heater works its way into a lather throughout the day. We kept a thermometer in one office I worked at (the office manager did not believe our complaints, so we had to document it) we documented 82 degrees in January and 65 in mid-July.
    are you going to be at the menomena/talkdemonic/national show tonite? If so, I’ll see ya.

  • Jenny

    Just came across this one. Thanks for the kind words. Thanks even more for the encouragement. Dude.

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