TRMW Archives

* FYI, this stuff is old. The current TRMW is here.

January 19, 2005

Just realized I’m mentioned by (fake) name over at Beats in Space, the radio show hosted by DFA-affiliate and all-around mega-hipster Tim Sweeney. No really, the twelfth link down here points to Metempsychosis and mentions my old production alias, Comma. So I’m cool now, guys, right? GUYS?!?!

I’ll chalk this up to Richard Caraballo aka minusbaby, long time member of the Metempsychosis Krew and super-talented designer/photographer. Rich designed a past version of the Beats in Space site, maybe even the current one, I don’t know. You can see the genius oozing out of Rich’s brain here, in a good way.


fig 16: trmw (left) and mark rocking the human league

In other news, Justin Wescoat Sanders and Douglas Wolk have joined the PDX concert blogging action over at Team Tinnitus. This means we can now be two places at once, and still make it out for karaoke the next day (see fig 16). Watch out, Portland, the eyes of Tinnitus are upon you!


    Hey dude, I’m diggin on yr blog. My brother’s name is Matt Wright, but I guess he ain’t the real one. I’ll be sure to let him know.

    Btw, do you know a cat named Rob Thompson? Old friend of mine, he works at the Portland Mercury now.

    Come visit me at Unfinished Novellas. You up for a link swap?

    Peace, my man.

    Jon Wright

  • trmw


    Indeed, I’m sorry to inform you that your brother is not real. That said, I encourage you to go on loving him.

    I don’t think I know Mr. Thompson, but this being a small town I almost certainly have met him drunk at some time or another.

    I checked out yr blog and I totally dig it. I’m soulsucking Black Mountain right now based on your glowing review.

    You are linked, link be back!


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