TRMW Archives

* FYI, this stuff is old. The current TRMW is here.

March 26, 2003

While staying at my parents house, I have been enjoying the luxury of satellite TV. The variety of information available is amazing. Yesterday, I watched coverage of the war in Iraq on CNN, DW-TV in Berlin, and throughout the Middle-East. I found this last program on a channel called Worldlink TV. They show in-depth news coverage and documentaries from all over the world, with English subtitles. Fascinating.

Following a link I saw on that channel last night, I came upon an International Appeal from Birzeit University in the West Bank, one of the Isreali occupied territories in Palestine. It seems that the Isreali military has set up a checkpoint along the road to the university which is effectively preventing the students from reaching their classes. As a result, the university is on the verge of closure. I urge you to read this page, and consider signing one of these appeals to the Isreali government.

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