TRMW Archives

* FYI, this stuff is old. The current TRMW is here.

September 1, 2004

My new friend, and my old friend Emily Prince’s fiance, Shaun O’Dell has an art exhibit opening up in Seattle at the James Harris Gallery in Seattle. Click. With art I tend to go for stuff that displays a high level of craft – lots of little lines and marks, details – so Shaun’s stuff is right up my alley. It just so happens that I will be in Seattle this coming weekend for Bumbershoot, which means I’ll get a chance to check out the exhibit as well, which is rad.


Sean O'Dell - Prophesy Extraction at the Confluence of Kykuit, The Western Medicinal Compact and the Southern Decline of a Blind Consensual Chiming (detail)

ONE THING THOUGH: Shaun is in urgent need of a musician or musicians to play the opening, which is tomorrow. He’s friends with the Devendra Banhart (sp?) / Vetiver / Joanna Newsom weird folk posse in San Francisco (Emily actually created the artwork for Newsom’s album) so anything in that vein would be awesome. If you or someone you love would be up for this please e-mail me post haste, or however that saying goes.

Speaking of Joanna Newsom, this video is really nice, and so is the music.

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